Switch Dimm DMX Controller
PX387 Switch Dimm DMX Controller

Small DMX controller, enables 512 DMX channels to be controlled individually with an Android application.


Small and simple controller for 64 DMX lines
Small and simple controller for 64 DMX lines

The smallest and the simples controller in the family. It was specially designed to operate with a mobile app and is also the only controller that can be fully programmed with the app.


Controller for 128 DMX lines
Controller for 128 DMX lines

Lighting control for museums, cinemas and hotels and restaurants. 128 DMX output channels, astronomical clock, Modbus protocol support for control points, LAN access from IOS and Android devices. PC software for configuration.

Controller for 8192 DMX lines
Controller for 8192 DMX lines

For scenic architectural lighting. It controls complex lighting situations, which can include up to 16 DMX outputs with the system's own extension. With the freely programmable functions it is possible to control lighting, multimedia and other devices that are operated with the DMX protocol.


Controller for 512 DMX lines
Controller for 512 DMX lines

With programmable functions, the device allows you to control lighting, multimedia and other devices that operate based on the DMX protocol. After configuration, the controller works independently and autonomously.


Mer­ger DMX 3/1
 PX788 DMX Merger

Merger DMX 3/1 was created to work in installations in which several controllers work and there is a need to "sum up" the outputs of this type of devices, and then send them further via one DMX line. PX788 allows to add DMX signals from different devices, and then, after selecting one of the 6 "mixing" modes, it sends the signals to a single DMX output. Merger can operate in two configurations: 3 → 1 or 2 → 2 (the device can sum up 3 inputs and send the result DMX signal to one line or sum 2 inputs and send the result signal to two output lines).


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